Formal Grammar: 20th and 21st International Conferences, FG 2015, Barcelona, Spain, August 2015, Revised Selected Papers. FG 2016, Bozen, Italy, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Annie Foret, Reinhard Muskens, Glyn Morrill, Rainer Osswald, Sylvain Pogodalla
Formal Grammar: 20th and 21st International Conferences, FG 2015, Barcelona, Spain, August 2015, Revised Selected Papers. FG 2016, Bozen, Italy, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Annie Foret, Reinhard Muskens, Glyn Morrill, Rainer Osswald, Sylvain Pogodalla
ISBN 13: 9783662530412
Format: Paperback
(336 pages)
Publisher: Springer
Published: 06 Aug 2016
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